Saturday, 23 January 2010

HIMSS10 in Atlanta

The annual HIMSS tradeshow takes place in Atlanta, March 1-4, 2010. This is the second year of our participation in this event. The show attracts thousands of healthcare executives seeking new solutions from Health IT.

We are attending HIMSS as part of the Ontario Industry and Trade booth.
Twelve of Ontario's innovative healthcare companies will present their products and services at HIMSS10. If you are attending come and visit us at Booth#1407.

Many of the participants at HIMSS are US hospitals and agencies. Some attendants come from other countries. And of course a number of Canadian hospital and health agency representatives will also attend this international trade show.

Canadians appear to look south to the US as a source of expertise. Even with our Canadian pride regarding universal healthcare we look to learn from the experiences of the US healthcare process. There are many resources and educational session. Tremendous opportunities to meet healthcare leaders.

The main topics this year will be the concept of "meaningful use" in EHR/EMR deployment. The US is looking to invest $34 Billion to modernize their healthcare system. Standards and outcomes are central to the ARRA funding.

While in Canada we switched to ICD10 in 2004/05 for health records diagnoses coding, the US is still using ICD9. Canadian companies can help with this transition. International standards are being adopted in Canada such as SNOMED-CT and HL7 V.3.0 data exchange and messaging, we can provide help with Health Information Exchanges(HIE) roll outs in many states. HIMSS is a great venue to present and share experiences.

For us the Clarity Health Journal is the main reason for attending HIMSS. We see the personal health application as pivotal to meaningful use. Empowering patients and their families to be participant in their healthcare system.

If you are attending HIMSS10 come and visit us at Booth 1407.

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